Tesla Employees Charge Automaker with Union Busting

According to a Bloomberg News article, workers at Tesla’s Gigafactory 2 in Buffalo, New York, claim the carmaker fired dozens of employees after they announced unionization plans. One of the fired workers was a part of the 25-person organizing team for Workers United, according to a complaint submitted to the US National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).

The workers made their intentions public on Tuesday, stating in a news release that “unionizing will give us a voice in the workplace that we have felt has been overlooked to date.”

The organization is currently requesting that Tesla sign an agreement based on the Fair Election Principles, which stipulates that Tesla will not interfere with their right to organize. If these firings are related to the organizing drive, Tesla may already be engaging in union busting.

According to the complaint, the layoffs constituted “collective retaliation.”