Pleas to curb the repeated burnouts at Houston’s Cars & Coffee haven’t worked, so organizers are trying something else

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How do you stop a Ford Mustang driver from doing a burnout? Trick question: you can’t! Your only hope is that the burnouts take place in a responsible manner and location. However, because burnouts seem to rarely happen that way, an event in Houston, Texas has decided to ban Mustang owners from its gatherings, along with owners of Chevrolet Camaros and Dodge Chargers, too.
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Coffee And Cars is a monthly car meetup that’s been attended by owners of all sorts of vehicles for nearly 20 years. But it just recently released a statement via Instagram formally uninviting anyone who would bring one of the aforementioned muscle cars to the event. It seems locals and police have been less than impressed by the shrieking tires, billowing smoke, and safety risk that have become a frequent side effect of the gatherings.
“Due to this morning’s burnouts and revving, we will be temporarily banning all Mustang, Chargers & Camaros,” the post reads. “We keep asking for cooperation to reduce this behavior and we have signs posted.”
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The post has sparked a conversation within the group’s comments section, with one user remarking how “Camaros, chargers and mustangs are being treated like the pitbulls of the car world.” Jokes aside, it’s a sad and/or a mildly annoying day for the scores of responsible muscle car drivers who are being painted with such a broad brush. We get it—yours are not the only tires that smoke when spun.
But like that terrorist of a terrier at the off-leash dog park, it only takes one to ruin it for the pack. And it sounds like there have been enough dummies at this particular C&C over the years that organizers are worried for the future of the event itself: “If this behavior continues, we will be forced to do invitational only events…please stop encouraging this behavior…”
What do you think? Is a ban of specific models the best way to curb over-the-top hoon-ery? And why are Dodge Challengers and Chevrolet Corvettes exempt from this ban?
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