Texas Tech Coach Gives Weak Justification for Master-Slave Remark

Mark Adams, the head basketball coach at Texas Tech, had refused to apologize and believes he was “citing scripture” when he made the comment that led to his extended suspension last week. Adams stated that he was having a private discussion with one of his players about accepting direction and linked it to a biblical scripture about slaves serving their masters.

On Sunday, Texas Tech described Adams’ choice of words as “inappropriate, disrespectful, and racially insulting” and announced he would be suspended pending an inquiry. ESPN said, citing a source, that Adams apologized to the squad after learning that a player was offended. Adams stated in an interview with Stadium that he did not apologize. Adams noted that one of his coaches informed him that the athlete was concerned by it. “I elucidated to them. I didn’t apologize.”

Earlier in the year, Adams was accused of spitting on the player with whom he had the so-called biblical master-servant conversation. Adams asserts that he had a cold at the time.