The Biden Administration Seeks To Expand Medicaid To Include Food Assistance Funds

As the Biden administration begins approving state petitions to use the coverage for groceries, millions of Medicaid consumers may receive respite in the form of food shopping funds.

It is part of a bigger movement that emphasizes the importance of “food as medicine” in a person’s healthcare plan.

*Image source: Unsplash

The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities discovered a link between food insecurity and poor health in a study. People who lacked access to healthful food options were at a higher risk for developing chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and mental health disorders.

Those who believe that incorporating food in Medicaid coverage is an unneeded extension are opposed to the proposal.

“This is the first time I’ve witnessed the federal government promote food, air conditioners, and other items as permissible. We have the SNAP program already, “Gary D. Alexander, director of the Medicaid and Health Safety Net Initiative at the Paragon Health Institute, stated to The Wall Street Journal.

*Image source: Pexels

A variety of healthy meal preparation and nutrition counseling alternatives were offered as part of the Arkansas, Massachusetts, and Oregon pilot programs that were evaluated last year. These initiatives allowed the states to spend millions of dollars on health needs in federal and state funds.

James Schroder, the interim head of the Oregon Health Authority, stated, “We can fund cooking classes and nutrition education.” “We can administer up to six months of ‘food and vegetable RX’ And medically adjusted meals for up to six months.”

Arkansas offered coverage for nutritional assistance to those between the ages of 19 and 24 who were at high risk for long-term poverty, whereas Massachusetts offered home-delivered meals for up to six months and “food prescriptions.”