The Comments Under Online Recipes Can Actually Be Really Helpful

The most helpful comments are those that offer some sound advice and will help you to read the recipe better. If the commenter found an element of the recipe they weren’t satisfied with — perhaps not enough salt or too spicy for their tastes or it took much longer to prepare than advertised — it will alert you of those same issues. This should help you make informed decisions. 

Perhaps add a pinch more salt, and maybe add more crushed red pepper. If timing appears to be an issue, allow for the extra time or find another recipe. Comments like these will serve to guide you on your cooking journey. Helpful comments will also be a good source for troubleshooting any problems you may run into. Other home cooks may have run into the same issues and will have provided some good solutions that can set you right.

Avoid the comments from readers and other cooks who have changed fundamental elements of a recipe and then complain that it didn’t turn out right, as if it were the author’s fault. If you’re going to make a vegan or gluten-free banana bread recipe, you’re better off searching for it specifically, rather than trying to adapt any random recipe and being disappointed the results don’t taste good or look like the photos. 

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