The Finals – best gadgets to use

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Each Contestant in The Finals gets a choice of three tools to take with them into the arena, and we’re looking at the best gadgets in The Finals based on what we learned from the open beta.

While this may be subject to changes when the full game is released, our time in the open beta let us play around with all three Builds and their loadouts. Not all of the tools and guns were created equally in The Finals, and Gadgets can make or break your strategies.

As The Finals open beta has now finished, our next chance to play the game will be when it comes out. Things might change from now and then, so we will update this piece when the game comes out. Now, these are the best Gadgets in The Finals.

The Finals – best Gadgets

Most of the Contestants can use the same Gadgets across each loadout, with only one or two tools being exclusive to the specific class. Medium Builds have Sonar Grenades while the Heavy has an RPG, for example.

Just because only one class can use them, doesn’t mean they’re the best. In no particular order, these are the best Gadgets to use in The Finals.

Goo Grenade

The Goo Grenade might be the best Gadget in the entire game. You can use them to completely seal off areas and create defensive positions; something that is extremely useful during Cashouts. Since your tools recharge, you effectively have unlimited which means they can always be used to block off windows, doors, and other entrances. The goo is extremely flammable, so be careful if the enemy team has a flamethrower.

The Finals Medium Build loadout - image showing the character and loadout screen

Pyro Grenade

The Pyro Grenade is another brilliant tool everyone can use. When it explodes, it sets a small area of the map on fire and will damage anyone who wanders into it. If you have a team hiding in a small room, these grenades can put extreme pressure on them to reposition, giving you a chance to catch them out.


The Barricade can only be used by Heavy Contestants, and it does exactly what it says on the tin. You can drop multiple barricades to act as cover while you’re out in the open. They can also be used as a way to slow down pursuing enemies by placing them in narrow corridors.

The barricade withstands damage and is invaluable for your team if you’re pushing up to an open objective area, or if you need to defend your position. Extremely versatile, the Barricade is a must-have Gadget in every loadout.


The Defibrillators are easily one of the best Gadgets for the Medium build character to use, simply because they let you revive your dead allies in a pinch. While everyone can revive as standard, it just takes a long time. In comparison, the Defibrillator lets you revive allies in mere seconds.

The utility of this should speak for itself. If you’re the last one in your team defending a Cashout, and you allies are close by, you can bring one back in the blink of an eye and let you turn the tide of the battle for a heck of a comeback.

Sonar Grenade

If intel is what you seek, then the Sonar Grenade should be brought with you at all times. When thrown, these grenades will highlight enemies nearby with a visual outline of them, letting you know where they are and if someone is trying to sneak up on you.

Sonar Grenades don’t last long, but they are extremely useful for controlling an area and defending a Cashout. You can use them offensively or defensively, and you can’t do anything to stop yourself from being scanned.

The Finals best gadgets - Heavy Loadout menu.


Since almost the entire arena is destructible in The Finals, having something that can tear down walls, floors, and ceilings is beyond useful. The Heavy is the only class that can use the RPG, and it makes them experts in creating openings and exits.

Is the Cashout happening on the floor above you and it’s heavily defended? Blow up the floor from underneath and drop it down to your level. Need to get to the other side of a building? Blast a hole through the wall.

Breach Charge

The Breach Charge can and should be used like the RPG. These Gadgets are amazing at clearing out obstacles such as walls, floors, and other things that get in your way. They can be placed on any destructible surfaces and detonated remotely, giving you time to reposition and strategise as you start causing mayhem.

As we’ve said, these Gadgets have been chosen due to how they performed for us in the most recent open beta for the game. As The Finals approaches a release, some changes might be made to the Gadgets and other aspects of gameplay.

That’s all you need to know about the best Gadgets in The Finals. For more, read our guides covering the best guns in the game and how to use your reserve loadout.

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