The Golden Statue Goes to TCU’s Brand Anthem

TCU is officially an Emmy winner. The Office of Marketing & Communication was awarded
a Lone Star Emmy Award for its
TCU Brand Anthem: Lead on 150 from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. The video, used during
TCU’s Sesquicentennial as a promotional spot on TV and at multiple events, features
students, faculty and staff, promoting the university’s world-class academic and campus

“It was a tall order, but I believe our team captured the boldness of TCU and the
diversity of our campus, along with our academics and student life, so I am particularly
delighted for it to receive this kind of recognition,” said Tracy Syler-Jones, vice
chancellor for marketing and communication. “We were able to creatively and successfully
connect our Lead On rallying cry with our 150
th anniversary, which is something we’ve worked hard to do all year. As we bring this
celebration to a close, we are proud to top it off with this award.” 

TCU also received a Lone Star Emmy nomination for the video series highlighting the alumni featured in TCU’s nationwide mural campaign, which focused
on Horned Frogs leading on in numerous ways.

The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences was founded in 1957 and is dedicated
to the advancement of the arts and sciences of television and the promotion of creative
leadership for artistic, educational and technical achievements within the television
industry. It recognizes excellence in television with the distinguished loneEMMY
® Award. The Lone Star Chapter is one of the largest in the country, serving all 19
television markets in Texas and including members from TV-related fields, such as
news and non-news broadcasting; production; post production; education; advertising;
and public relations.

The TCU Brand Anthem: Lead On 150 has also been awarded by the University Photographer’s
Association of American and the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education.

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