The House Passed a Plan to Avert a Shutdown

Also, airlines are suddenly offering deals. Here’s the latest at the end of Tuesday.

More than 200 House Democrats voted today to back a plan designed by Mike Johnson, the right-wing speaker, to avert an impending government shutdown. The legislation, which was opposed by many Republicans, passed 336 to 95, clearing the two-thirds threshold required. If signed into law, it would keep the government funded into early 2024.

Johnson’s unusual approach was a gamble in that it relied on a substantial number of Democrats to help pass a package that did not include any military aid to Israel or Ukraine. The move proved effective as most Democrats — who were satisfied that the legislation did not include budget cuts — voted in favor.

In the Senate, where the legislation heads next, Chuck Schumer, the majority leader, said he wanted a vote “as soon as possible.”

The alliance that came together reflected a reality that two consecutive Republican speakers have now reluctantly embraced: The House G.O.P. lacks the political will to keep the government funded, forcing its leaders to rely on Democratic votes to do so.

Maxar Technologies/Via Reuters

Israel released a pair of videos this week from inside Gaza’s main children’s hospital that show weapons and explosives purportedly found in the medical center, and a room where the Israeli military said hostages were kept. The videos are part of a campaign to persuade skeptics that Hamas has turned hospitals into command centers and has built tunnels underneath them.

The Hamas-run Health Ministry in Gaza today disputed nearly every assertion made in the initial Israeli video, but acknowledged that the footage was taken from inside Al-Rantisi Specialized Hospital for Children in northern Gaza. The patients and staff are believed to have left the hospital over the weekend after it was surrounded by Israeli forces, and Israeli troops entered shortly thereafter.

In the U.S., more than 400 American officials sent a letter protesting President Biden’s Israel policies. Also, thousands of people gathered in Washington to show their support for Israel.

Price increases in the U.S. slowed last month more than economists had predicted, according to government data released this morning. The Consumer Price Index fell to 3.2 percent on an annual basis, down from 3.7 percent in September, in part because of more moderate energy prices.

The report provided the Federal Reserve with renewed evidence that its battle against rapid inflation is working — and possibly reduced the need for further rate increases.

Dottye Burt, 78, exhausted her savings on her husband’s two-year stay in an assisted-living facility.Shuran Huang for The New York Times

Millions of Americans are facing a daunting dilemma: Their spouse or older relative is in need of long-term medical care, but the costs of attaining such care are overwhelming. The Times talked to dozens of people dealing that problem, finding that many of them are risking financial ruin as the cost of elder care soars.

  • Ukraine: Prosecutors in Kyiv accused three officials of colluding with Russian intelligence when they aided efforts by Rudy Giuliani to tie the Biden family to corruption in Ukraine.

  • George Santos: A former campaign aide to the embattled House representative pleaded guilty to wire fraud.

  • Russia: President Vladimir Putin pardoned one of the convicted organizers of the murder of the journalist Anna Politkovskaya in return for his service in Ukraine, the man’s lawyer said.

  • Health: The gap in life expectancy between men and women in the U.S. has grown to its widest in nearly 30 years, driven mainly by more men dying of Covid and drug overdoses.

  • Climate change: Nearly every cherished aspect of American life is under growing threat from climate change, a major report from the federal government concluded.

  • Europe: Iceland is bracing for a possible volcanic eruption.

  • Armed services: The U.S. Army overturned the convictions of 110 Black soldiers — 19 of whom were executed — who had been convicted in a 1917 riot.

  • Social media: Threads will finally let users delete their accounts without losing their Instagram profiles.

James Kerr/Scorpion Dagger

Football has long been the biggest thing on television. Every Sunday, tens of millions of people tune in to watch their favorite team. But the reach of traditional television is waning, and the N.F.L. is embarking on an ambitious strategy to try to maintain its dominance.

The league is teaming up with major streamers like Netflix and Amazon to make documentaries, turning their on-field stars into compelling characters. Already, more than 50 N.F.L. productions are in the pipeline, including “Bye Bye Barry,” about the Lions running back Barry Sanders, and a coveted documentary on Jerry Jones, the unfiltered Cowboys owner.

For fans, my colleagues built a simulator that maps out every team’s path to the playoffs.

Stefani Reynolds for The New York Times

Denise Diorio, a retired teacher in Florida, recently spent less than $40 on flights to and from Chicago and just $230 on a round-trip ticket between New York and Paris. And she’s not alone.

Airfares to many popular destinations have recently fallen to their lowest levels in months. Even holiday travel is far cheaper than it was last year. The glut of deals suggests that the airline industry’s supercharged pandemic recovery may finally be slowing as the supply of tickets overtakes demand on some routes.

A map from 1475.Oculi Mundi
  • Beautiful maps: Oculi Mundi, a new online collection, shares the artistry of early creators.

  • Cosmic trash: Two astronauts lost a tool bag outside the International Space Station this month. Now it’s floating in space.

  • Smartphone radiation: There are many good reasons not to spend all day on your phone, but radiation is not one of them.

  • Smart scavengers: Vultures just might be the smartest birds, born of their evolutionary history as carrion feeders.

David Malosh for The New York Times

Cook: This savory galette has a secret layer of herbed goat cheese underneath a pile of sweet butternut squash.

Watch: “A Murder at the End of the World” takes an Agatha Christie scenario and spins it into a chilly, stylized cyber-noir.

Listen: These six gripping podcasts chronicle mysterious disappearances of all kinds.

Read: In “Network of Lies,” Brian Stelter builds a case against Fox News.

Nosh: Here are the 25 essential dishes to eat in Mexico City, according to T: The New York Times Style Magazine.

Sweat: Turn part of your walk into a run. It’s better for your lasting health.

Compete: Do you know these fictional places in popular novels?

Play: Here are today’s Spelling Bee, Wordle and Mini Crossword. Find all our games here.

Before and after shots of an apartment in Oslo.Emma Ganzarain

When Emma Ganzarain moved into her boyfriend’s apartment in Oslo, the couple got to work on a redesign. They swapped out colorful fixtures and furniture for versions in shades of beige and white. When it was nearly done, Ganzarain showed it off on social media: “All men need a woman in their life,” she wrote.

The reaction was not what she expected. Many commenters accused her of ruining her boyfriend’s apartment by removing its warmth and replacing it with a more sterile look — what some critics call “sad beige.” One designer theorized that the strong reaction to the aesthetic might signal a larger shift in home décor, from uncluttered minimalism to something cozier and less polished.

Have a pleasing evening.

Thanks for reading. I’ll be back tomorrow. — Matthew

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