The Kansas Wildlife department grew its own mussels. Now, it’s putting them back where they belong.

Starks said that because of improved water quality and better land use practices, Kansas now has habitats that could sustain mussel populations again.

In both of the state’s releases, the mussels were stocked on private property. That’s because 98% of land in Kansas is privately-owned, Starks said. The state has an agreement with the federal government that allows private landowners to participate in the conservation project.

Starks said that the program protects landowners from being held responsible for harm that might come to endangered species on their property as a result of legal land use. That could include farming, ranching or construction.

Rick Hines agreed to the release of Neosho Mucket mussels on his property in September. A passionate conservationist, he preserves part of his land as native prairie. Another piece of his land is farmed by tenants.

He was eager to have an endangered mussel species released on his property.

“It has a big impact on me emotionally,” Hines said. “I’ve been fascinated by the life cycle of mussels. … They’re a big part of the circle of life. A lot of animals – racoons, river otter – they feed on the mussel as a primary food source.”

Hines noted that mussels act as water filters, so it’s important to have them in water bodies that take in fertilizer runoff from agriculture.

“From my position, it’s a win-win,” Hines said. “I would strongly encourage it as much as possible. I don’t think it results in any negative aspects for the landowner, for the farmer that participates.”

Staff will return to the sites in the spring and next year to see whether the mussels survived and can reproduce in the waters. Starks said repopulating a species could mean it’s removed from endangered species lists down the road – ultimately leading to less regulation and red tape in the state.

The state is planning more conservation stockings through 2024, including 18,000 mussels in southeast Kansas as soon as drought conditions improve. The state is also raising the state-threatened Plains minnow in a hatchery in hopes of releasing them back into Kansas waters.

Landowners interested in helping recover imperiled species through the Kansas Aquatic Species Recovery Program are encouraged to contact Starks at [email protected].

Both the Kansas News Service and Nebraska Public Media News are part of the Midwest Newsroom.

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