“The Kardashians” Fans Are Not Impressed With Kim Criticizing Khloé For FaceTiming Her 6-Year-Old Daughter At Dinner

“There’s literally no way Kim is this pressed about Khloe talking to her 6 year old,” one post read. “them cute ass two second interactions got you that angry miss ma’am??”

“Can someone please explain to me what Kim’s problem is with Khloe being a present mom? It’s so weird that she’s rolling her eyes everytime she facetimes her kids and Kris jumping on the bandwagon,” another person wrote.

“I can’t with the [way] Kim eyerolls at Khloe actually having a relationship with her kids,” one Reddit user said, while another branded Kim as “insufferable.”

“Why has Kim such a problem with khloe having a routine with her kids and wanting to be with them?” someone else questioned. “Khloe’s right, kids are only small for so long and she’s enjoying it – I don’t see why that’s a problem.”

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