The Latest in Tech News: Automotive, Virtual Reality and Computer Chips

A look at the technology industry news from PR Newswire in January and February that you might have missed.

Business Tech News Trends, January-February 2024

By Brock Haroldson | Published March 12, 2024

The year in tech started with the always-anticipated CES; featuring optimism for the future of tech, upcoming trends, and many new product releases (several of which were announced via PR Newswire).

CES-related releases will show up in the trend recaps throughout this post, but here are just a few you might have missed:

One overall trend that we covered in our last blog., AI, continues to be a large part of tech news as a whole and pops up heavily in this blog’s trends recap.  

Over 9,500 technology releases went out in January and February, but these are a few of the most popular releases on

Business Technology News Trends

Here’s a look at a few of the trends we noticed among technology-related press releases in January and February, with a few examples of each.


Virtual and augmented reality have come a long way in the last few decades, but one might say the technology is still in its infancy. Consumer adoption is not widespread, but with the pace of technological change, one can envision a time in the not-so-distant future where VR/AR is as widely used and relied upon as the PC and the internet. Recent new devices and improved hardware like the Apple Vision Pro, and improvements in the wireless capabilities of VR are helping the tech make inroads in industries such as healthcare, education, business (for meetings, training and collaboration) and of course gaming and entertainment.

Here are a few recent releases you might have missed:

Automotive Tech

The overlapping of technologies continues as AI and AR have begun showing up across the realm of automotive tech. AR and HUDs (heads-up displays) in vehicles give drivers information on their vehicle and navigation, without the need to look away from the road. In the EV space, battery tech continues to improve. Autonomous vehicles continue to be hit-and-miss but surely will continue to improve as more new cars incorporate some level of self-driving.

Catch up with these automotive tech releases from January and February:


AI also shows up in the semiconductor world as manufacturers look to make more products optimized for AI. As more consumer products join the Internet of Things, more low-power but high-performing chips are needed. And like many industries, disruptions in supply chains are increasing the difficulty of making all this happen.

In January and February, PR Newswire distributed over 250 press releases tied to semiconductors. Here are just a few that caught readers’ eyes:

Looking Ahead

SXSW is set to take place March 8-16 and will highlight AI and cybersecurity and will look forward to 2050, among many other topics. The Adobe Summit, March 25-28, and Google Cloud Next, April 9-11, will also generate plenty of noteworthy news. We’ll be keeping an eye on these events and more.

Stay tuned for our next tech news recap! 

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About the Author

Brock Haroldson headshotBrock is a senior editor and has been with PR Newswire since 2012. When he’s not helping clients with their press releases, he enjoys leading music at his church, traveling, camping, hiking, skiing, following the Denver Broncos, baking sourdough bread, and spending time with his wife and two children at their home in New Mexico.

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