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HUMINT is the acronym for human intelligence, that is generally associated with security forces employing knowledge and experience that is hard won by living, breathing entities. When HUMINT is combined with data gleaned by remote sensing and other technical sourcing, you typically get the best of both worlds in completeness and reliability.
Each day that I peruse the internet for news written by artificial intelligence (AI), the result is the worst grammar and spelling, combined with mismatched graphics, that can be imagined. It often takes multiple attempts to read bylines before I can grasp what the article is actually about. Albeit, AI is still in its early stages, but it is easy to discern articles posted by humans against those written by a program.
As AI is being groomed to take over wildfire prediction and response, I can’t help but be dubious regarding it’s efficacy and leading edge effectiveness in achieving much. It may be some time before forest managers and consultants are replaced by technical parroting, especially as historical forest modelling is being replaced by unpredictable diurnal weather patterns and overall climate change. This is where experience achieved over decades really comes into its own, and allows rapid response to unexpected flare-ups and spread of firestorms.
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It will be interesting this fire season to see just how it will all play out, and how AI will be portrayed in the ensuing drama.
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