The science stories you missed over the holiday period

Download the Nature Podcast 10 January 2024

In this episode of the Nature Podcast, we catch up on some science stories from the holiday period by diving into the Nature Briefing.

We chat about: an extra-warm sweater inspired by polar bear fur; the fossil find revealing what a juvenile tyrannosaur liked to snack on; why scientists are struggling to open OSIRIS-REx’s sample container; how 2023 was a record for retractions; and how cats like to play fetch, sometimes.

Nature News: Polar bear fur-inspired sweater is thinner than a down jacket — and just as warm

Scientific American: Tyrannosaur’s Stomach Contents Have Been Found for the First Time

Nature News: ‘Head-scratcher’: first look at asteroid dust brought to Earth offers surprises

Nature News: More than 10,000 research papers were retracted in 2023 — a new record

Scientific American: Cats Play Fetch, Too—But Only on Their Own Terms

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