Ayush Gupta and Amelia Shotwell. Photo by Rafael Suanes on behalf of Georgetown University Department of Performing Arts.
“Our Dirty War” is a rare gem of theatrical depth and daring. Written and directed by Camilla Madero (this is her senior thesis), who also plays the role of her father, Roberto Madero, the story represents a true “meeting of the minds,” in which father and daughter (Sabrina Perez) communicate on a higher plane of consciousness in an almost mystical quest to understand the past and each other.
…a rare gem of theatrical depth and daring.
Growing up during Argentina’s dirty war, Roberto Madero’s life reflects the turbulence of the era, but also his acquaintance with the Argentine intelligentsia of the day. Although buried deeply, his memories of the people and places he encountered live on, profoundly affecting his present existence and the relationship he has with his daughter Camilla (Sabrina Perez), a young woman born after Roberto’s forced exile from Argentina.
Dressed in gray drab clothing and covered in dirt (designed by Costume Shop Manager, Dorothy Barnes-Driggers), chorus members Amelia Shotwell, Ayush Gupta, and Celeste Viana deliver notable performances as shadowy figures from the past who resurface in the compelling and occasionally humorous dialogue between father and daughter. A talented actress, Perez embodies the thoughtful and inquisitive Camilla. Madero, equally adept at acting as she is writing, achieves a magical transformation into Roberto Madero as a child, a young man, and an adult.
Scenic Designer Holden Gunster’s set features a slanted front door, a staircase to nowhere, and a bed and sofa placed on jagged wooden platforms. Together conveying the precarity of life during the dirty war as well as the sometimes-bewildering journey of discovery Camilla has undertaken in her search to understand her father’s life.
“Our Dirty War” is a thought-provoking meditation on relationships, trauma, and the power of love to heal even the deepest wounds. It is also a glimpse into the future. If this work is any indication, the next generation of theatre professionals is well on its way to making a significant contribution to the theatrical arts.
Running Time: One hour and 30 minutes with no intermission.
“Our Dirty War” ran October 25-29, 2023 at Georgetown University’s Davis Performing Arts Center, 3700 O Street NW, Washington, DC 20057. For more information about upcoming events at the Center, click here.