If you want a hot shower but don’t want to pay for the luxury or boil the water, you could opt to use the sun as your heat source. Outdoor gear review site, GearLab recommends the Advanced Elements 5 Gallon Solar Shower. With this simple piece of kit, you fill the bag with water and place it in the sun to heat up before you’re ready to use it.
The solar shower uses a four-layer design that includes a reflector panel, an insulator panel, and a solar panel to ensure heat retention. Additionally, there is a temperature gauge built into the bag, so you won’t have to guess if the water is ready and risk a cold shower. According to the company, in direct sunlight, it should take approximately three hours to heat the water up to 110 degrees.
This handy device comes with a 4.5 out of five star rating from over 2,900 customers on Amazon. Many have positive reviews regarding the water’s flow, and state that on a sunny day, the water does heat up quickly. However, some claim that the hose is a bit on the shorter side, though still usable.