This Dietitian Is Going Viral For Sharing 16 Toxic Nutrition Myths That Just Aren’t True, And We All Need To Hear This

“’Leaky gut syndrome’ is a term used commonly in the wellness world even though it is not a recognized medical diagnosis,” Kate told BuzzFeed. While the gut has a certain amount of permeability to allow nutrients to be absorbed, leaky gut is a hypothetical condition that suggests that the gut lining is too permeable, meaning that things like toxins and bacteria are also passing into the bloodstream and causing symptoms such as digestive issues like bloating, fatigue, and autoimmune conditions, Kate said. 

“Since bloating is a supposed symptom of leaky gut, some may think that’s what they are struggling with when, in reality, a much more likely cause is either not eating enough food or not eating a wide enough variety of food,” Kate told BuzzFeed. Contrary to popular belief, under-eating or depriving your gut of nutrients can actually trigger a stress response in your gut causing bloating as the digestive system slows down to conserve energy (meaning that it takes a longer amount of time for food to move through you). 

Additionally, if you’re not eating enough food, Kate said your organs (including your intestines) can start to weaken so that they won’t function as they are meant to, furthering digestive issues.

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