This Week in Washington IP: Spurring Green Growth, Learning the Fundamentals of the Patent Application Process, and a Critical Look at Domestic Technology Innovation week in Washington IP news, a House subcommittee holds a hearing on advances in deepfake technology. Elsewhere, the Peterson Institute hosts the launch of an OECD report that looks at how governments can spur growth in the green economy, and the USPTO holds a three-day event for newcomers to the patent application process.

Monday, October 23

Peterson Institute for International Economics

US Launch of the 2023 OECD Going for Growth Report

At 9:00 AM on Monday, online webcast

This event will mark the U.S. launch of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) 2023 Going for Growth report. The report has an emphasis on what policy decisions should be taken to spur growth in the green economy. While there’s a focus on the green economy, the report also looks at how these green economy incentives can be implemented without decreasing efficiency.

Tuesday, October 24

Information Technology & Innovation Foundation

Securing Our Future: A Framework for Critical Technology Assessment

At 8:00 AM on Tuesday, National Academy of Sciences and online livestream

The ITIF is hosting this launch event for the release of a report titled Securing America’s Future: A Framework for Critical Technology Assessment. The report originated from the CHIPS and Science Act which gave the National Science Foundation the power to fund leading scholars in building intellectual foundations and producing reports that address the challenges facing U.S. investments in key technologies. A wide variety of academics, industry leaders, and think tank researchers will speak at the half-day event.

United States Patent and Trademark Office

Learn the fundamentals of the patent application process

Starting at 9:00 AM from Tuesday-Thursday, online livestream

The USPTO is hosting a three-day workshop to help first-time filers familiarize themselves with the patent application process. The Stakeholder Application Readiness Training (StART) was designed with independent inventors, entrepreneurs, and anyone working for or with a small business in mind. The workshop will help those potential applicants file for a patent without the help of a registered patent agent or attorney.

House Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation

Advances in Deepfake Technology

At 10:00 AM on Tuesday, 2247 Rayburn House Office Building and online livestream

The advancement of deepfake technology has been a grave concern for a variety of contexts from copyright infringement to the spread of disinformation. This House subcommittee will address these advances and technology and potential government regulations that can better protect businesses, governments, and members of the public.

Wednesday, October 25

Center for Strategic & International Studies

Analyzing the Role of Blockchain Technology in Strengthening Democratic Institutions

At 2:00 PM on Wednesday, CSIS Headquarters and online livestream

This event is hosted by the CSIS Project on Prosperity and Development (PPD) to evaluate blockchain technology’s potential to support democracy and fight back against misinformation. According to the CSIS, “blockchain is a tamper resistant technology associated with data integrity, and it has current and potential applications associated with building transparency and trust.” With this potential also comes potential cases for misuse and abuse of the technology, and the panel will discuss its application in both Ukraine and the United States.

Monday, October 30

Consortium for Science, Policy, and Outcomes  (CSPO)

Patent Data & Publicly-Funded Research: Applications, Benefits, & Misuse

At 9:00AM on Monday, October 30, CSPO Headquarters in Washington, DC and Livestream

Bhaven N. Sampat, an economist and Professor in Arizona State University’s School for the Future of Innovation in Society and School of Public Affairs, and Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), will discuss concerns around conventional measures used to link public R&D to patents, and then to link patents to social outcomes. Sampat will touch upon new advances in patent bibliometrics that aim to overcome these concerns.

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