Tim Davie, BBC Director, Will Be Questioned About a Huge Scandal

People are asking the BBC and Tim Davie what they know about the case where a famous reporter paid a teenager with a drug problem money to get sexual pictures. The victim’s family says that the host met the child when they were both 17.

The teenager, who is now 20 years old, spoke out about the case through a lawyer. They said that nothing illegal happened between them and the unknown presenter. Their family wondered how they could afford a lawyer.

But the family says they have proof in the form of bank records and screenshots to back up their claims. In the House of Commons, MPs are threatening to say who the famous host is.

“It is sad, but we stand by our account and we hope they get the help they need,” the teen’s mother said. “e did this to help – and the presenter has got into their head. How did they afford a lawyer? We are so sad.” Their dad added, “Without the money, my partner’s child would have no drugs.”

Tim Davie will be asked a lot of questions about how involved the BBC’s top bosses were in the case and how they didn’t know what the reporter was doing. He will also be asked why the host was taken off the air two months after the victim’s mother made the first report.
