Tamil Nadu is in the process of developing a green hydrogen hub, and is looking to increase its installed energy capacity from 50 to 75%, said the commerce and industries minister TRB Rajaa. Speaking at the India EV conclave that was organised by Autocar Professional and the government of Tamil Nadu, he stated that Tamil Nadu was leading the green energy transition revolution.
“We are in the process of developing a green hydrogen hub. If we also have a robust electric vehicle charging infrastructure, the transition from fossil-fuel dependency to green energy sources and renewables will benefit all,” the minister said.
He said leading electric vehicle players such as Ola, TVS Motor and Ather in Krishnagiri, Ampere Vehicles in Ranipet, BYD India in Kancheepuram, Stellantis in Thiruvallur and E-Royce Motors in Coimbatore contribute to large-scale production of such vehicles in Tamil Nadu.
“Our state, led by Chief Minister M K Stalin, is policy driven and has a clear vision of inclusive, sustainable growth. Tamil Nadu is among the few states with a future-ready EV policy,” Rajaa said.
The policy has paved the way for revolutionary changes in the way people commute, backed by the ‘battery-as-a-service’ initiative, he said.
Rajaa added that the electric vehicle sector would get tremendous visibility during the forthcoming Tamil Nadu Global Investors Meet to be held in January next year.
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