Tom Hanks’ Niece Explodes After Being Eliminated from ‘Claim to Fame’

Carly Reeves was the first person to be kicked off of season two of the famous reality show Claim to Fame. She dramatically left the show during Monday’s premiere episode. After she lost the race, she lost it.

“I didn’t even get to do any challenges!” Reeves yelled from inside the show house as she cried after she was kicked off. “I don’t deserve this! I should have more camera time! I should be here longer!”

Kevin and Frankie Jonas lead the show, and less famous relatives of famous people compete to guess each other’s connections to fame before their own connections are revealed.

During the first show of the second season, one of the contestants, Carly Reeves, got off to a bad start when another contestant named Hugo correctly guessed that Tom Hanks was Reeves’ uncle because the clue was a bench, which was on the famous poster for Hanks’ movie Forrest Gump.

After the other contestants were kicked out for the night, Reeves could be heard yelling inside the house. He then went on a rant about the competition.

“These freaking clues are so freaking obvious! Freaking bench?! That’s the freaking poster of freaking ‘Forrest Gump.’ Are you kidding me?” she yelled as she cried her way up the stairs of the house.

“Why a bench? Why a bench? There are literally no benches in any other movie. Even Gabriel found that out. He’s not even smart,” she said as she got her things together.