What are people asking about artificial intelligence? What are the most burning questions? What concerns people about A.I.?
As an independent career and executive coach, this is becoming increasingly important to me, because it is to my clients – and now to readers. So I embarked on a journey to find out. During the period of September 26 through October 25, 2023, I aggregated 10 independent surveys and conducted an informal one myself. I then ran this by a long-time colleague of mine, Brad McDaniels, a statistician and data analyst. Therefore, my report is not scientific. For all intents and purposes, this could wind up amounting to no more than another Top 10 list, but it is, I’m confident, a relevant and reliable snapshot of what matters as of today. Note: No answers are offered; this is simply to explore what people want to know.
What people want to know about A.I.: Top 10 questions
The questions appear in bold, followed by my comments.
#10 What are the top A.I. companies in the world?
That’s not a great question, but it’s on every list. In tech, especially tech on steroids, which is what A.I. is, that will change quickly. To get a feel for the current market, OK, but tomorrow’s another day.
#9 What is deep learning?
If you’re asking this question, you’re most likely in for the duration, but still wet behind the ears. It’s a good question, though, and will serve as a strong foundation.
#8 What is natural language processing (NLP)?
Same story as the previous question.
#7 Will robotics kill jobs or create them?
This tells me there is a real acceptance of A.I., but an uncertainty about the near future. If history is our guide, large-scale technology transformations or disruptions create jobs – and lots of them.
#6 A.I. in gaming and sports betting.
It’s too early to tell if this question means that a lot of people are about to lose their shirts or to start new careers in online gambling.
#5 What is artificial intelligence?
The fact that this question is still so high on the list suggests strongly that we’re still at the early part of the early adopter stage of the innovation-adoption cycle. Maybe not even out of the innovators stage.
#4 What role will A.I. play in health care?
Good question to ask – and to keep asking. There’s so much potential to eradicate diseases, test drugs on computer chips instead of animals or humans, etc. But think of the possible misuse or abuse.
#3 A.I. in self-driving cars?
This is probably one of the three questions that are closest to home. Many people can taste it. In fact, if your can self-park or keep you in lane, you’ve already got a piece of it.
#2 A.I. in investment and finance.
This isone of the other close-to-home question. I sense that many people see A.I. as the route to wealth they haven’t yet had. I also think they should curb their enthusiasm. Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs don’t
And the #1question about A.I….
#1 A.I. and the future of work.
Obviously, the thirds close-to-home question. For some, it; about the future of work, but it’s really about a future that is already here.
One more thing: There’s a missing question that should be obvious by its absence: