(ANSA) – ROME, NOV 20 – Italy has declared 2024 to be the
year of ‘tourism of the roots’ – travel undertaken by Italians
who have emigrated to other parts of the world and their
descendants to visit the places where the ancestors lived.
Addressing the Roots-In international tourism of origins fair in
Matera, Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said
Monday that, for Italy, ‘tourism of the roots’ has a potential
market of 80 million people.
“This conference is an important occasion for dialogue and
discussion on a topic that is of great interest to the
government,” Tajani told the fair, which around 90 tourism
buyers and as many sellers are attending, via video link.
“Tourism of the roots in a strategic opportunity for all the
areas not affected by mass tourism.
“This event, which is back for the second time after its success
last year, demonstrates the growing interest in tourism of the
roots for our country and for the 80 million Italians and
Italian descendants (around the world).
“It is a great opportunity to strengthen relationships with our
communities abroad and to lift the profile of the small villages
and rural communities at the origin of the migratory phenomenon
– the custodians of the values, culture and traditions that our
compatriots have spread throughout the world”. (ANSA).