Trump Complains That Kim Jong Un Is Unhappy With The United States

Donald Trump is apparently angry that his friend Kim Jong Un “feels threatened” by the United States and has taken to social media to plead the dictator’s cause. In recent months, tensions between Washington and Pyongyang have increased as joint military exercises between the United States and South Korea have been met with threats and missile launches by North Korea, which has demanded a stop to the operations. Trump posted on his Truth Social platform late Tuesday, “Kim Jong Un of North Korea, whom I came to know and get along with very well during my years as president, is unhappy with the United States and South Korea conducting large training and air exercises together.” He is feeling threatened. Trump also claimed that Seoul is underpaying for the “very costly and provocative drills.” Trump continued, “It’s ridiculous.” “There are 35,000 soldiers in danger; I had an agreement for complete payment to us in the amount of billions of dollars, but Biden gave it away.” “Such a shame!”