Trump Is ‘The Dumbest Criminal in the World’, Says Jimmy Kimmel

You’ve probably heard by now that Donald Trump could be indicted for his shady financial dealings in paying off Stormy Daniels following their alleged affair.

Jimmy Kimmel could not be happier to witness the fallout, despite knowing that Trump is solely to blame.

“Truth be told, there’s no good reason for Trump to be in this much trouble,” the late-night host told Monday night’s audience.

Kimmel believes that “Casa-no-brain” would not be in this situation if he had paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 from his Pizza Hut earnings or some other source.

He added, “So many of [Trump’s] legal problems stem from the fact that he’s an idiot,” citing the riots on January 6 and his illegal possession of top-secret documents at his Palm Beach home as two additional illustrative examples.

In every instance, he is in trouble because he is the world’s most inept criminal.
