Trump Vows to Extend Immigration Bans If Re-Elected


While campaigning in Iowa, former President Donald Trump recently pledged to implement stricter immigration policies should he be elected for a second term. This comes after a deadly attack on Israel, amplifying the divisive issue that has been a core part of his political platform.

Addressing his supporters in Iowa, Trump stated that if he resumes the presidency, there would be an “ideological screening” process for all immigrants. The focus would be barring those who harbour sympathies for Hamas and other Muslim extremists. “If you empathize with radical Islamic terrorists and extremists, you’re disqualified,” Trump remarked. He continued, “If you want to abolish the state of Israel, you’re disqualified. If you support Hamas or any ideology that’s having to do with that or any of the other sick thoughts that go through people’s minds — hazardous thoughts — you’re disqualified.”

Given the current scenario where the war between Israel and Hamas resulted in the deadliest conflict yet, with over 4,000 fatalities, Trump’s words resonate with many of his supporters. In his speech, Trump referenced his administration’s previous efforts to bar immigrants from certain Muslim-majority nations. He emphasized the U.S.’s commitment to supporting Israel and upholding “Judeo-Christian civilization and values.” 

However, Trump’s renewed promise to restrict entry to refugees from Gaza and expand the earlier Muslim travel ban raised eyebrows among many. His first attempt at implementing a travel ban was met with significant resistance. He eventually reached the Supreme Court, which upheld a revised version that included restrictions on travellers from North Korea and some from Venezuela.

While these proposals have favoured many of Trump’s core supporters, some, like 31-year-old IT specialist Ritu Bansal, hope for a balanced approach. Bansal said, “In my opinion, the U.S. government should care for the victims of the Hamas attack on Israel and the civilian victims in Gaza. The U.S. can care for both.”

The former President is ramping up his campaigning efforts to secure a strong foothold early in the GOP contest. Endorsements, such as the one from Iowa’s Republican attorney general, Brenna Bird, add weight to his campaign. Trump is optimistic about his chances, stating, “Ninety-one days. Are you ready? We’re going to have a historic landslide.”

Trump’s re-emergence and the subsequent pledges concerning immigration show that the issue remains a polarizing topic in U.S. politics. As the countdown to the next GOP contest begins, it remains to be seen how these proposals will shape the political landscape and the electorate’s choices.


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