Ultra-marathoner banned from racing for a year after riding in car during race

UK Athletics banned an ultra-marathoner from racing for 12 months after she admitted to riding in a car during a race earlier this year.

Joasia Zakrzewski, 47, admitted to riding in a car during a part of the Manchester to Liverpool Ultra on April 7, according to a disciplinary panel decision document from UK Athletics. The decision document dated Oct. 9, 2023 said Zakrzewski did not comply with the UKA Disciplinary Rules’ code of conduct for senior athletes.

The panel banned Zakrzewski from participating in any UKA-licensed races and from representing Great Britain in any events for a year. It also banned her from coaching, officiating or managing for the same time period.

Zakrzewski said she was not in the proper mindset the day of the 50- mile race, causing her to act improperly and collect a third-place trophy, according to the decision document.

Read the full story on NBC News.com here

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