United Arts Collier shares Economic Impact of Arts in Collier County study

A Naples Ballet presentation of The Nutcracker in the Artis—Naples 2022-23 season. COURTESY PHOTO

United Arts Collier, the state-recognized Local Arts Agency for Collier County, released the findings of the 2022 Arts and Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6) Study on January 29, at a special event held at The Norris Center. The study estimated the economic impact of the nonprofit arts and cultural sector in the County to be $147,121,191. Spending by the organizations totaled $102,087,059 and spending by audiences was calculated to be $45,034,232. This represents an increase of $40 million from the last study that was conducted in 2017, where the total economic impact was $107.7 million.

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The AEP6 Study was conducted in 2022 and completed in early 2023. It served to measure the impact of the nonprofit arts and culture industry in Collier County. Conducted every five years, the study gauges the economic impact through employment numbers, government revenue, household income, spending by nonprofit arts and culture organizations and event-related spending by their audiences. The study was administered with the assistance of Americans for the Arts and included 20 nonprofit arts and cultural organizations from within the County.

“The arts are a vitally important and impactful industry in Collier County, and we see verification of that through the results from the AEP6 Study.” said Elysia Dawn, executive director of United Arts Collier. “The arts improve our community’s individual and collective well-being and make a positive difference in our education, health, and economic outcomes.”

The AEP6 study reveals the cultural and economic benefits the arts bring to a community. The nonprofit organizations are businesses that employ individuals, purchase goods and services, and attract tourists to the region. The arts leverage significant amounts of event-related spending by their audiences. In the Collier County study, 70% of the audience was local and 30% were non-local. The average spend per person was $34.29 per event.

These benefits were further exemplified through the study results.

• 79% believe that arts and culture is important to the community’s economy, businesses, and supports local jobs.

• 83.8% of respondents believe their attendance is a way to ensure the activity or venue is preserved for future generations.

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• 86% of the study respondents felt that arts and culture is important to the quality of life and livability in Collier County.

• 86% felt that if the activity or venue were no longer available, there would be a sense of loss.

This sense of impact was incorporated into the Arts and Culture Strategic Plan, drafted by John Melleky, Arts and Culture Manager for Collier County Tourism. The plan was created through the collaborative efforts of 26 Collier County organizations and approved in 2020 by the Collier County Board of Commissioners. Creativity, connection, celebration and coordination are the core pillars supporting the vision outlined in the strategic plan. Over the past two years, significant strides have been made relating to many of the strategic plan’s goals and objectives.

“The strategic plan is being implemented by both Collier County organizations and the United Arts Council. Their collaborative efforts allow both organizations to be a part of building a solid infrastructure that will promote the arts to tourists through the Naples, Marco Island and Everglades CVB, and to our local community through the advocacy and service of United Arts Collier,” said Melleky. “There is now an enthusiasm for more collaboration that embraces the development and implementation of new programs and activities throughout the County.”

This collaboration has resulted in the “Collier County is Culture” advertising campaign that is included in all local playbills and print materials produced by the various cultural organizations. The CVB is now incorporating cultural advertising into its regional and national campaigns, including a new digital ad campaign that launched in January.

A standout collaborative effort resulted in the creation of ¡ARTE VIVA! A Celebration of Hispanic Arts and Culture. Launched in 2022, the first year drew over 293,000 visitors who attend events and activities throughout the County. The advertising campaign generated over 58 million impressions. Now in its second year, the organizations and events have expanded to include new activities at the Third Street Farmer’s Market and the South American exhibition at the Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens. ¡ARTE VIVA! has been recognized as one of the top new artistic events in the country and has received numerous awards from the Florida Festivals and Events Association and the International Festival and Events Association.

Elements of the strategic plan are being reviewed and updated, including new funding opportunities; additional partnerships with local, state, and national partners; increased collaborative developments and opportunities with the local businesses; additional advertising to the local community ¦

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