The enigmatic world of Karl Lagerfeld, the fashion icon who redefined Chanel, is coming to our screens. Titled Becoming Karl Lagerfeld, a six-part biographical drama series, will premiere on June 7, on Disney+ internationally and Hulu in the US.
From Rising Star to Parisian Powerhouse
This highly anticipated series delves into the formative years of Lagerfeld’s career, specifically focusing on the 1970s Parisian fashion scene. Played by actor Daniel Brühl, audiences will witness Lagerfeld’s rise from a relatively unknown ready-to-wear designer to the helm of the prestigious House of Chanel.
Beyond the Dark Glasses: Unveiling the Man Behind the Legend
The series is based on the bestselling biography Kaiser Karl by French author Raphaëlle Bacqué. Isaure Pisani-Ferry, Jennifer Have, and Raphaëlle Bacqué have crafted a narrative in the new series that promises to explore not just Lagerfeld’s professional triumphs but also the personal aspects that shaped his creative genius.
According to the synopsis, viewers can expect a nuanced portrayal. Becoming Karl Lagerfeld will depict the legendary designer’s ambition, artistic vision, and meticulous attention to detail. However, it also suggests a glimpse into a more private side, exploring his hidden complexities and personal relationships.
Love, Rivalry, and the Parisian Fashion Landscape
Particular attention seems to be paid to Lagerfeld’s professional rivalry with Yves Saint Laurent’s partner, Pierre Bergé. Theirs was a well-documented dynamic that fueled creative competition within the Parisian fashion world. The series will also reportedly explore Lagerfeld’s love story with socialite Jacques de Bascher.
Directed by Jérôme Salle and Audrey Estrougo, Becoming Karl Lagerfeld has the potential to be a captivating exploration of a man who left an indelible mark on the fashion industry. Whether you’re a fashion aficionado or simply curious about a fascinating life, this upcoming series promises a glimpse into the world of the enigmatic Kaiser Karl.
Becoming Karl Lagerfeld: WATCH THE TRAILER