Upgrade Your Home Garden With These Stunning Wall Plants

Plants are integral for our living and thus are an evident addition to the home decor. You might have heard of indoor plants that amp up the space but there are wall plants as well that are known to be a great way to create an aesthetic wall decor. Wall plants are synonymous with vertical gardens which can easily add a touch of nature to home and office decor. In addition to decor, these plants also ensure pure air quality which has become a necessity with rising air pollution. Check out the list of wall plants that you can add to your home decor. 

Climbing Hydrangea

Climbing Hydrangea is a versatile vine that yields year-round flowers. Its glossy green foliage and white flowers make it a perfect addition to wall decor. You can plant your Hydrangea on a north or east-facing wall to ensure that it gets sufficient sunlight for its growth. While also ensuring that its soil does not get too dry in the summer season. Climbing Hydrangea can be a perfect makeover to the balcony wall that doesn’t seem to look good to you. 



Honeysuckle is a beautiful flowering plant that you can add to your wall decor. Their sweet-smelling flowers amp up the space without any room freshener. Honeysuckle yields flowers during summer and creates a perfect ambience with its sweet scent.

honeysuckle plant 

English Ivy

Another vine that you can add to your home decor is English Ivy. This plant can thrive well in cold and low light conditions making them a perfect addition to indoor spaces. You can plant an English Ivy plant on your balcony and connect it to the wall of your living room so that it spreads and adds to your living room wall decor. 

english ivy plant

Don’t Miss: 5 Beginner-Friendly Flowering Plants To Grow Indoors


Clematis is popularly known as ‘Marodphali’ in India. This plant thrives in the summer season (indoor plants that produce fruits) under peak sunny conditions with a requirement of 6 hours of direct sunlight. However, its roots act the opposite. This plant needs regular water so that its roots can remain moisturised. You can keep this plant on the shelf attached to your balcony wall so that it can get enough sunlight for its survival while adding to the wall decor. 

Star Jasmine

This star-shaped jasmine plant is the perfect addition to the home decor (ways to decorate empty corners of house). The fragrant flowers of this plant blossom from late spring to summer. While summer gets hot, this plant will ensure a soothing atmosphere in your home. 

star jasmine

Don’t Miss: 5 Ornamental Plants That Will Transform Your Home Garden Into A Paradise

Get your hands on these plants and add them to your home to transform your wall effortlessly. 

Image Courtsey: Freepik.com

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