USD 383 and MATC still far apart on agreement for concurrent course offerings

Negotiations are continuing between USD 383 and Manhattan Area Technical College over an update to how the two sides are reimbursed for concurrent and automotive technology education offerings at Manhattan High School.

The two sides are still far apart in terms of how much MATC would be required to reimburse the district, which provides faculty for general education and Excel in Career in Technical Education (CTE) courses. Superintendent Eric Reid says several proposals have been presented, including MATC proposing to move away from a yearly memorandum of understanding in favor of a five year agreement. The current proposal he says would cost the district over $100,000 in fiscal 2024.

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Board members expressed support for Reid to continue toward an MOU style agreement. Each board member expressed frustration over how long these negotiaions are taking as it could potentially impact next semester course offerings. Board member Kristin Brighton…

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Board member Jayme Morris-Hardeman expressed her frustration with the situation and said she’ll support Reid moving toward a one year MOU.

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Board member Darrell Edie also expressed his disgust with the whole situation.

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Commissioners agreed that an MOU needs to be continued in order for this partnership to continue. No motion vote was held.

On a separate note, Commissioners also unanimously adopted motions Wednesday for the parking lot repair and replacement project at Amanda Arnold Elementary School totaling over $44,000 and the south parking lot expansion at Manhattan High School, totaling close to $665,000.


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