What is stated to be the first poster on CAN XL technology has been produced by Vector and its partner Bosch to help developers get to grips with the new solution. It gives an overview of the most important technical specifications of CAN XL as well as other important information.

During the creation of the new information poster, Dr Arthur Mutter, chairman of the CAN XL working group at CAN in Automation e.V. (CiA), and senior exec for networking technologies at Bosch, and Florian Hartwich, senior consultant for networking technologies at Bosch, provided advice and content reviews.

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console.log (‘nompuad’);
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console.log (‘nompuad’);
// –>

Compared to the predecessor technology CAN FD, CAN XL provides faster, higher and more flexible data transfer.

In addition to numerous other Vector posters, the DIN A1 poster on CAN XL is available free of charge from the Vector website.