Longview Community Ministries needs volunteers in the Service Center, Food Box and Meals with Love. Hours are 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. For information, email Britt Norvell at [email protected] or call (903) 753-3561 ext. 212.
HeartsWay Hospice of Northeast Texas is seeking caring individuals who want to serve as volunteers to support its hospice care teams and their families. Our volunteers are utilized for office support, visiting nursing home patients, assisting with special events and helping with area marketing. HeartsWay volunteers are offered training and serve in their own communities. Contact Rex Fennell, director of Volunteer Services & Outreach at (903) 295-1680, or email [email protected].
The American Red Cross — East Texas Chapter, a nonprofit organization that prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers, has various volunteer opportunities available with many programs the American Red Cross has to offer. For information, contact Executive Director Karen Holt at [email protected] or call (903) 331-2565.
#placement_588479_0_i{width:100%;margin:0 auto;}
Longview Regional Medical Center is seeking volunteers to join its Volunteer Auxiliary. For information, call (903) 232-3776.
East Texas Literacy Council, a nonprofit based in Longview, has an immediate need for a volunteer to teach an ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) class from 8 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays in Kilgore. No experience is required. For information, call (903) 757-9302.
Lifesavers: Skylyr’s Passion Rescue, a local nonprofit, foster-based dog rescue organization, has an immediate need for foster homes to help facilitate this effort. Fostering usually lasts three to six weeks. The rescue provides food, vet care, etc. You provide love, a safe place for the dog to hang out and help the dog get ready for its furever home. For information email, [email protected] or text Angie at (903) 452-0526.
Longview Arboretum and Nature Center seeks volunteers to help at the front desk, in the gift shop, garden, children’s classrooms and events. For information, call (903) 212-2181.
Silver Paws, a nonprofit agency that provides healing through animal-assisted activity and therapy programs, is seeking volunteers to help at our facility as a greeter, program assistants and fundraisers and event assistance. We are always looking for new therapy animal teams who are ready to serve the community. For information, visit www.silverpawstx.org, call (903) 720-2068 or email [email protected].
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All Good Dogs Coalition seeks volunteers with observation skills who can follow instructions. They will participate at monthly adoption events and/or rehab activities under the guidance of a dog trainer. For information, email [email protected] or call/text Klancey (903) 235-0383.
Longview pet rescue organizations have an immediate need for volunteers to foster dogs and cats due to an increase in strays and pet surrenders. Volunteers are trained and most expenses are covered. Fostering can last from a few weeks to a few months. For information, email [email protected] or visit LongviewPetsRescue.org .
Newgate Mission, 207 S. Mobberly Ave., Longview, needs volunteers for lunch servers 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays. Caps and masks are required. Volunteers can be with a group or individual. Up to three people are needed each day. For information, call Brenda, (903) 757-6146.
Martin House Children’s Advocacy Center is a nonprofit organization that provides a collaborative, multidisciplinary response to the investigation, prosecution and treatment of child abuse. Volunteers help restore hope to children who have been abused. For information, email [email protected] or call (903) 807-0189.
Texas Home Health Hospice, 2904 N. Fourth St., Longview, needs volunteers to offer patient companionship, family support and office assistance. For information, email [email protected] or call (903) 234-0943.
East Texas CASA is looking for volunteers to help children as they enter the foster care system. CASA volunteers are screened and trained, then appointed by judges to represent and advocate for the child in the child protection system. For information, email [email protected] or call (903) 753-8093.
Longview Citizens on Patrol seeks volunteers to increase cooperation between residents and the Longview Police Department. For information and volunteer opportunities, email [email protected] or call (903) 424-9609.