Union Minister Rajeev Chandrasekhar shared a new video on Elon social media platform X (previously Twitter). This video from 1982 showcases Seiko‘s first smartwatch, the UC-2000. The vintage footage from a TV show that featured the UC-2000, showed the wrist-worn device that served as a miniature data storing gadget.
When displayed on the show, the host questioned if this watch was simply an example of “technology searching for a purpose”, rather than serving a useful function.While primitive compared to modern wearables, Seiko’s early attempt at a smartwatch explored the concept years before it hit the mainstream. Chandrasekhar’s post offered an interesting look back at the beginnings of what would eventually evolve into a common tech accessory.
Sharing the video, Chandrasekhar wrote: “Technology in search of a purpose” From the first #smartwatch in 1982 to today’s marvel, it’s a journey of decades of technological evolution. #RetroTech”
Seiko UC-2000: Key details
In a blog post outlining its heritage, Seiko notes: “After introducing the world’s first TV watch, Seiko introduced a wrist computer that stored data. It was the first of its kind. It had memory of up to 2,000 characters and could store telephone numbers and addresses as well as a diary or schedule for up to one month. The Seiko wrist computer marked the beginning of the age of portable information devices.”
What other users said
Commenting on Chandrasekhar’s post a user said: “Old Casio smartwatches with calculators and alarm were amazing, I actually used the alarm a few times.”
Another user added: “The advent of the 1st smartwatch in 1982 marked the inception of a technological revolution,albeit its purpose & commercial viability took decades to materialize. However, the next decade will witness an unprecedented acceleration in technological advancements.”
In December 2023, Chandrasekhar also noted that the digital economy will contribute to 20% of India’s gross domestic product (GDP) by 2026.