We’ve got another wonderful issue for you this month, which just happens to be National Gratitude Month.
Check out our piece on RxR3 Recovery in Haymarket and discover a team dedicated to helping you recover from injury better and faster. Meet Livvy D. of Gainesville, a rising rap, pop, country star whose debut single, “Take a Number” is burning up the charts and making a name for this home grown talent.
“Building Leaders and Giving Back” is a super piece on Haymarket’s Janelle Taylor. A local businesswoman and mom so committed to giving back to our community, she’s got her whole family involved.
And of course discover American Legion Post 1799 of Haymarket. Known as the “lean on me” post, this tremendous group of Veterans does so much for so many. Just check out the long list of services and programs the Post supports on page 26!
Our Veterans deserve our gratitude this month and every month. Haymarket-Gainesville Lifestyle Magazine is grateful for them and for you, our readers and advertisers, and for all those who allow us to share their stories.
Click here to enjoy the issue and have a very Happy Thanksgiving!