CHARLESTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) – From the turkey to the mac and cheese and everything in between, West Virginia Health Right has residents on Charleston’s West Side covered for Thanksgiving dinner.
“Since Thursday I have been planning for anywhere from 6-800 people to come in so everything you see here, there’s at least 10-15 pans each more just to be ready,” Volunteer Chef at Health Right Keaton Contini said.
Chopping onions, basting the turkeys, and even mixing cheese sauce into noodles for mac and cheese, dozens of trays continue to fill up the kitchen and fridges at Health Right for the holiday.
“I still have 20 turkeys that I have to break down and get in the oven probably by 4 a.m. on Wednesday for it all to be ready. Hopefully by the end of the day I can have everything done except the turkeys,” he said.
As residents on Charleston’s West Side are still without gas services before the holiday. Health Right says they hope everyone can have a home-cooked meal, even if it’s not cooked in their own kitchen.
“This is something they they can say ‘you know what we are together, we are alive let’s be grateful for what we have.’ It’s also a way of us showing the community that we love them and that we are grateful for them, so this is the one thing we can do to try to help,” Community Outreach Director at West Virginia Health Right Shayla Leftridge said.
Having a warm meal for the holidays is its something Contini says holds a special place in his heart.
“When someone is down and cold and hungry, to give them a home-cooked meal goes a lot farther than cooking them a steak dinner at a restaurant,” he said.
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