2 On Your Side contacted the New York Department of Conservation (DEC) on what to do if you find any wildlife in your yard, or anyplace they’re not normally found.
BUFFALO, N.Y. — 2 On Your Side had some cute visitors at the station on Monday morning.
A mama duck and her nine ducklings somehow made their way to the television station.
Nearby residents say the mama duck and her babies were at Johnson Park before waddling across Delaware Avenue to our station.
With some help and with some advice from an SPCA volunteer, the mama duck and her babies were safely placed in a box, and two of our staffers drove the ducks to Delaware Park where they happily swam off in the lake.
2 On Your Side contacted the New York Department of Conservation (DEC) on what to do if you find any wildlife in your yard, or anyplace they’re not normally found.
Most of time, they recommend just leaving the animal be. If the animal is injured, you can contact a local rehabilitator. You can search for one here: Wildlife Rehabilitators. Wildlife rehabbers are licensed by the state. If you live in the Western New York region, you can contact the NYS DEC Wildlife line at: (716)-379-6402.
Messinger Woods Wildlife Care and Education Center has a section on their website on what do if you find baby animals or injured animals. You can find the information here: www.messingerwoods.org/help. You can also call their emergency line at: (716)-345-4239.
SPCA serving Erie County also has a Wildlife Department you can contact (716)-875-7360 ext. 247.
For more information: https://dec.ny.gov/nature/wildlife-health
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