What Kids Want? Exploring Kids’ Choices in Cars and Gadgets

In Episode 3 of What Kids Want, we dive into the world of cars and gadgets that captivate the imaginations of today’s kids.

WKW Ep2: In this special episode of What Kids Want? Find out from Mriganka, Sanvi, Arihaan, Adiraj, Ahana what gadgets they consider essential in their daily lives and why. How do they pick which gadgets to request or buy? Are there certain features or brands that catch their eye?

Do they think gadgets shape your social life or identity, and if so, how? Are there any worries or downsides with how kids their age use gadgets, and how do you handle them? When it comes to cars, what features or designs appeal to them the most? Are there any specific car brands or models they admire?

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