Why banning or burning books is the start of something terrifying

The outgoing head of the American Libraries Association has warned the resurgence of censorship and book banning is of global concern and says it’s a precursor to darker times.

Ahead of a visit to Australia for an address about censorship next week, Tracie D Hall says it is the civil rights issue of our time.

“Whenever you see state-sanctioned censorship and removal of books by burning or banning, it was a prelude to a dark age, a time when you can’t say certain things,” she says.

Tracie D Hall says the freedom to read what you want is a basic right.

Tracie D Hall says the freedom to read what you want is a basic right.Credit: Sandy Morris

Named one of Time’s most influential people this year and the first black woman to head the American Libraries Association, Hall has overseen the group at a time when more challenges have been made to books in public and school libraries than ever before.

All but four states in the US have introduced pro-censorship laws. “We are now outpacing even the McCarthy era in terms of censorship,” she says. “This should be a global concern because we are seeing other nations who are copy-catting the clamping down on freedom of speech.”

Just under 2000 unique titles were targeted for banning across schools and public libraries in the US between January and August this year, almost double the number in 2021, according to the American Libraries Association. More than 100 titles were challenged in 11 states, with Texas and Florida leading the charge.

The graphic novel of The Handmaid’s Tale is one of the many books targetted for banning in the US.

The graphic novel of The Handmaid’s Tale is one of the many books targetted for banning in the US.Credit: AP

Most of the books in question are about race, gender identity and sexual orientation. Non-fiction books about menstruation, or dealing with sexual assault and rape, have been labelled pornography by those wanting to ban them, says Hall. “For those books to be called pornographic, it is a heinous and egregious misuse of those terms,” she says.

The challenged list also includes classics such as The Color Purple, The Handmaid’s Tale, Catcher in the Rye, and Brave New World.


“Everyone has the right to free access to ideas, no matter what those ideas might be,” she says. “That is not only a principle for libraries but that’s actually our First Amendment right in the US.”

The pro-censorship movement is very anti-intellectual in its nature, according to Hall, who believes it is seeking to problematise reading, freedom of ideas, and freedom of speech. “And that is far more dangerous, I never thought it would happen in the year 2023. Again, these instances are doubling year over year.”

“We are seeing a rising number of adults who can’t read – 43 million Americans can’t read beyond a fifth-grade level. We are at a point where at least two out of 10 adults … can’t read. I am really uneasy about this rise in censorship and the chilling effect it will have on access to education and on literacy; we have to see the correlation between the two phenomenon. Not only should adults have access to reading literacy but also civic literacy,” she says.

Having worked as a social worker early in her career, a link between illiteracy and chronic homelessness is clear to her.

Censoring speech and closing off access to information, whether digitally, in books or in the press, Hall says, is driven by politics – and is always about repression. “It is also to limit who has access to the ballot, and designed to influence not only who votes but to influence how legitimate a block of voters are.”

President Biden spoke out against book bans recently, as did former president Barack Obama, and Hall wants more state leaders to do the same.

The American Libraries Association last year created Unite Against Book Bans, the first national anti-censorship campaign.

Before the pandemic, there were over a billion visits to public libraries in the US. “Ultimately, it will be the people who will preserve libraries and the right to read,” Hall says. “Most Americans agree that censorship is a violation of our first amendment rights… We have to connect the dots between an informed public and the preservation of our democracy.”

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