Why settle for beige? Embrace the rainbow in your wardrobe and makeup

I have always been a big fan of bright colours: romanticising the springtime meadows bursting with flamboyant plant life, to always opting for colourful mocktails at every party I attended — the brighter they were, the more palatable they seemed.

<span class="lg-gallery " data-exthumbimage="https://tds-images.thedailystar.net/sites/default/files/styles/small_1/public/images/2024/09/15/imgl5150.jpg" data-src="https://tds-images.thedailystar.net/sites/default/files/styles/very_big_1/public/images/2024/09/15/imgl5150.jpg" data-sub-html="

Photo: Adnan Rahman


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