Xcite Automotive Appoints Andy McBride as Chief Commercial Officer

CHICAGO, May 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Xcite Automotive, a leading provider of automotive technology solutions, today announced the appointment of Andy McBride as Chief Commercial Officer.

McBride, a seasoned automotive industry veteran with over 19 years of leadership experience at HomeNet Automotive, a Cox Automotive company, brings a deep understanding of the automotive market. His expertise will be instrumental in accelerating Xcite’s strategic partnerships and the global expansion of its innovative enterprise technology platforms.

“Andy’s appointment shows our commitment to driving innovation in automotive technology,” said Phil Penton, CEO of Xcite Automotive. “His proven track record in building partnerships, along with his industry knowledge and vision, will be essential as we grow our business worldwide.”

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“I’m thrilled to join the dynamic team at Xcite Automotive,” said McBride. “The company’s focus on technology-driven solutions, like Automated Quality Assurance and Enterprise Inventory AI, perfectly aligns with the evolving needs of the automotive industry. Xcite’s innovative platforms have the potential to transform how businesses operate, and I’m eager to drive their adoption on a wider scale.”

Xcite Automotive: A One-Stop Solution for Dealers and OEMs

Beyond its technology platforms, Xcite offers a comprehensive suite of services including professional photography, videography, and vehicle reconditioning and preparation through ReconLogic. This ensures vehicles are both digitally and physically market-ready, combining high-quality visual content with operational efficiency. Xcite’s unique blend of technology and services creates a single, efficient solution that streamlines the entire vehicle lifecycle for dealers and OEMs, allowing both to maximize profitability and capitalize on the opportunities presented by a dynamic automotive market.

About Xcite Automotive

Xcite Automotive is a leader in automotive technology services, dedicated to empowering businesses across the industry with its customizable and innovative platforms. The company’s core focus lies in streamlined inventory management, compliance automation, and enhanced customer experience solutions – all designed to tackle the industry’s most pressing challenges. Xcite’s commitment to global expansion and technology-driven partnerships ensures it remains at the forefront of automotive innovation.

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Media Contact:

Randy Santellana

(779) 292-4830

[email protected] 

Cision View original content to download multimedia:https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/xcite-automotive-appoints-andy-mcbride-as-chief-commercial-officer-302141888.html

SOURCE Xcite Automotive

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