The South Arkansas Arts Center extends an invitation to an artists’ reception on Thursday, December 14 from 5:30 -7 p.m. to celebrate the talents of both SAAC’s members and its students. On display through December 17, SAAC’s annual Membership Showcase will be in the Merkle Gallery and the Arts Academy Fall Student Showcase will be in the Price and Lobby Galleries.
SAAC Executive Director Laura Allen encourages everyone to attend the reception saying, “This reception is such a great way to see all your SAAC friends during the holiday season. It’s almost like our holiday party for all our members! It’s a great way to see what all the local artists and creatives have been working on this year, catch up with friends, and enjoy a little cheer. This year it will be even more fun because we’ll also be celebrating our student artists with the Fall Semester Student Showcase on display.”
Every year, the Membership Showcase brings the talent of SAAC’s members to the forefront and allows them to display and sell their work in a non-competitive environment. The members of SAAC have once again filled the gallery with a myriad of works, boasting 72 pieces from 39 artists. SAAC’s Fall Arts Academy students have been working diligently all semester on various art projects. The exhibit includes artwork by 88 youth artists who are the students of Katie Harwell, Mike Means, Michaela Gross, Maria Botti Villegas, and Kaila Emery.
The Membership Showcase is a unique opportunity for SAAC artists to choose two pieces of their own work to display in the exhibition. It can be anything, and this year’s submissions include everything from watercolor to polymer clay, from 14K gold to acrylic, and everything in between.
Claire Beard, a member of the SAAC visual arts committee, said, “I look forward to the Membership Show every year because it is fun to see the diverse artwork that our members create.” John Ginger, also a committee member, said, “I love that there’s the opportunity to purchase artwork from a variety of local people during the SAAC Membership Show.”
Local member artists participating in the Membership Showcase are Joey Antoon, Gay Bechtelheimer, Sandy Bennett, Rhonda Berry, Maria Botti Villegas, Kathy Bowles Adcock, Cherie Bright, Daisy Bright, Crystal Brooks, Kelly Campbell, Bob Compton, Jo Cunningham, Brandon Dearing, Cami Doherty, Darden Gladney, Rhonda Hicks, Hannah Hopson, Beth Hubbert, Kirby Jennings, Helene Lambert, Pat Lowery, Mike Means, Moises Menendez, Kaci Merrell, Chrystal Osborne, Marshal Pilgreen, Spencer Purinton, Janice Roscoe, Lee Scroggins, Kevin Seymore, Mallory Slaughter, Jill Stone, Lisa Tarver, Alexis Thomas, Ann Trimble, Lainey Walthall, Devona Wilson, Ramona Wood, and Brooke Worley.
SAAC galleries are free and open to the public Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. For more information about the art reception on December 14 or the exhibits at the South Arkansas Arts Center, please call the SAAC office at 870-862-5474 or visit the website at www.saac-arts.org. SAAC is located at 110 East Fifth Street, El Dorado, Arkansas