Your Environment This Week: Sustainable pottery, Maize-based ethanol, Waterbirds adapt

This week’s environment and conservation news stories rolled into one.

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Unlocking sustainable ways to manufacture locks

Recycling car scraps to manufacture locks helps reduce resource demand, energy consumption, and carbon footprint.

A lock crafted completely with the use of scraps that include steel, zinc and brass. Photo by Zoya Ada Hussain/Mongabay India.

Wheeling towards sustainable pottery making in Khurja

The famed pottery industry in Khurja, Uttar Pradesh, has undergone significant modernisation over the years, transitioning from coal-fired kilns to more sustainable options like natural gas, thereby improving energy-efficiency and reducing environmental impact.

Developing cutting-edge technology for climate-sensitive agriculture

Agricultural technology or agritech, is spearheading a transformation by addressing many challenges in Indian agriculture.

Kyasanur Forest Disease: A ticking health bomb in the Western Ghats

Kyasanur Forest Disease, a tick-borne viral illness, continues to wreak havoc in the Malenadu region of Karnataka.

Indigenous knowledge of Jharkhand’s forest greens need preserving

Leafy vegetables consumed by tribal communities are rich in nutrition and have medicinal properties.

[Video] Maize takes centre stage as Bihar ramps up biofuel production

Pricey guests: Urban invasive species cost the world billions every year

More studies and accurate cost reporting are needed for invasive species in urban areas, to plug taxonomic and geographic gaps.

Waterbirds adapt to nest and roost in the urban oases of Udaipur

The waterbirds were spotted on 23 species of trees, including neem and eucalyptus, most often those located near or on waterbodies.

Understanding the elevational movements of Himalayan birds to improve conservation efforts

Conservation of lower elevation habitats may benefit high elevation birds that move downslope for the winter, finds study.

Nilgiri pipit seeks better status as habitat shrinks

Actively restoring montane grasslands and encouraging conservation efforts can save the unique bird and its shrinking habitat.

Creatures entangled: Ghost nets trap creatures small and great

An international team has spotted 144 animals belonging to 35 species across India trapped in derelict fishing gear.

Portions of ghost gear washed ashore on the sandy beach of Puthenthope village in Thiruvananthapuram. Photo by Max Martin.

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