Your pictures on the theme of ‘my garden’

We asked our readers to send in their best pictures on the theme of “my garden”. Here is a selection of the photographs we received from around the world.

Flower triptych

A rose in a glass bottle

Garden in a pot

Pots and compost

Gnomes and bluebells




Starlings at a water bath


Seed heads

Stepping stone

A dog licking its lips

Garden snail

Flowers and plants in pots

Cup of tea on wooden plank

Presentational grey line

The next theme is “texture” and the deadline for entries is 11 October 2023.

The pictures will be published later that week and you will be able to find them, along with other galleries, on the In Pictures section of the BBC News website.

You can upload your entries on this page or email them to [email protected].

Terms and conditions apply.

Further details and themes are at: We set the theme, you take the pictures.

All photographs subject to copyright.

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