We’ve all heard the tired advice on weight loss. Dieting, eating less and practically starving ourselves in order to lose weight. But as any expert in the field will tell you — less food isn’t the answer. You can enjoy the foods you love while you improve your overall health, energy levels and happiness. These five books show you it’s not how much you eat, but what you eat that makes a difference. When you combine food with other wellness tools, you’ll be able to change your life for the better.
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Live Healthy With Laura by Laura Heflin
Laura Heflin details her experience with the strict, traditional style of dieting, the anxiety and depression that it caused her, and how she found a better way to diet. By taking a close look at what’s wrong with calorie-counting diets, the book examines the why and when of our eating habits. This eating lifestyle book will help you “take a stand against the stigma of healthy eating,” enjoy food, improve your nutrition and lose weight. “Happy” is an essential element in “healthy,” and that in order to reduce stress hormones that ruin both happiness and health, you should love what you eat. The ideal result is “feeling satisfied, well-nourished, energetic, and full of life all day long!”
(Read the review.)
Obesity by Richard Fast
Despite what we’ve been told, obesity is not a weight issue, it’s a health issue, and it’s resulting in the greatest health crises we’ve ever faced. So what is the culprit, the cause, and the cure of this global epidemic? “The global obesity pandemic is a direct result of what we eat — too much ultra-processed, nutrient-void garbage.” Obesity is loaded with research reports, scientific studies, charts, graphs, quotes, product information, corporate strategies and personal observations of how we got to where we are. With a focus on health rather than weight, author Richard Fast talks through a number of ideas and strategies, and the underlying belief that the solution lies in the proper mindset and perspective.
(Read the review.)
The Simple Seven: Body Basics for Vibrant Health by Marlene Veltre
Marlene Veltre takes the idea of improving your life far beyond just healthy eating — after all, wellness typically requires a holistic approach. This well-researched and engaging handbook for health and well-being will transform your thinking on what it takes to be healthy. Instead of struggling against your body, Veltre provides the information and tools to help you work with it. All it takes are simple changes that are flexible and easy to work into your daily routine, though they add up to big benefits. The body is an amazing, adaptive system, and if you can provide it with the right environment and support, it can do its thing naturally — heal and repair, adjust and thrive.
(Read BookTrib’s review and interview with the author.)
Food Sanity by Dr. David Friedman
Sure, diets might cause you to lose weight — but they won’t help you keep that weight off. Dr. David Friedman says, “The reason most people achieve such poor results when trying to lose weight is because they are not addressing the true meaning of the word diet. Changing your routine leads to initial weight loss, but changing your way of living is what brings permanent weight loss.” The real trick? Combine healthy eating with other lifestyle changes, like restorative sleep. With helpful tools to navigate the grocery store, make smart eating choices, and determine fact from fiction you can maximize your health.
(Read the review.)
Gut Driven by Ellen Postolowski
The phrase “trust your gut” is not too far off from the message of Gut Driven. This forgiving program will help readers determine what foods are negatively affecting their gut. As a trained chef and integrative health coach, Postolowski fully embraces whole-body well-being by way of gut health. She stresses the importance of self-care that goes beyond the basics of food, water and exercise. “When your gut is healthy, your hormones are balanced, your brain functions improve, and your immune response is prepared to defend your body against illness.” The author reminds readers that while they all strive to be their best, this journey is really about finding a reasonable balance.
(Read the review.)