If you’re looking to lead a healthier life in 2024, one of the first places to start (aside from the gym) is right in your own pantry. In our fast-paced world, it can certainly be convenient to keep processed foods stocked on your shelves for those times you’re looking for a quick meal or snack. Unfortunately, though, many of the most popular pantry items are loaded with sugar, fat, and additives, terrible for your health, and likely to lead to weight gain. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of tasty, healthy alternatives!
To highlight some of the worst options you should stop buying at the grocery store to keep your health goals on track this year, we spoke to dietitian Lisa Andrews. She told us that Oreos, coconut granola, and processed bake goods like Swiss Rolls are better left in 2023—and she also gave us some great alternatives to replace them with. Find all of her expert insight below.
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1. Oreos
Ah, milk’s favorite cookie. While we may all disagree on the best way to eat Oreos, most of us can agree that they’re delicious. Unfortunately, they’re also loaded with sugar and fat, making them a terrible choice for your health. That’s why Andrews says you’re better off skipping these on your next grocery trip.
“Ditch the Oreos,” she says. “These are one of the highest sugar, highest fat cookies on the market. Each cookie has over 50 calories, 2.3 grams of fat, and 5 grams of sugar, but people rarely eat just one.” Yikes!
Still craving something sweet? There are plenty of options! “Sub cocoa dusted almonds if you want something sweet and crunchy,” Andrews suggests. Almonds offer up tons of health benefits. “These provide some protein, fiber, vitamin E and heart-healthy mono-unsaturated fat.” All of this makes them a perfect weight loss snack and a great replacement for sugary Oreos.
2. Certain granolas
This one may be surprising, as granola is typically considered healthy. However, many varieties you’ll find at the store are actually loaded with sugar, which we all know can do some serious damage to your health. Andrews calls out granola containing coconut, in particular, for its high fat content.
“Pitch the coconut-laden granola,” she advises. “Most granola is high in both sugar and fat and those that contain coconut are higher in saturated fat.”
But if you want something crunchy to add to your yogurt and smoothie bowls, alternatives are plentiful. “Swap the granola with raisins, nuts and Cheerios or other dry/crunchy cereal for a quick snack,” Andrews says. “This will give you more sustained energy than the granola.” Just be sure to avoid cereal with too much sugar!
3. Baked goods like Swiss Rolls
Little Debbie’s goodies may be hard to resist, but make no mistake: their much worse for your waistline than they are for your tastebuds. While processed, pre-packaged baked goods are tasty, they’re packed with sugar and refined carbs that can be a nightmare for your health. Andrews suggests leaving them out of your grocery cart this year.
“Get rid of Swiss cake rolls, nutty bars and other snack cakes,” she says. “Most are highly processed and high in both sugar and fat. There’s literally no food in this food.”
Instead, she offers another, healthier snack that’s just as tasty: “Go for a few graham cracker sheets with peanut butter. Graham crackers are much lower in fat and sugar and the peanut butter adds a savory taste with healthy fat and protein.” Yum!
The bottom line
Does all of this mean you can never enjoy a delicious Oreo again? Certainly not. A healthy diet should leave room for the treats that make your taste buds happy every now and then. But the important thing is not to make a habit out of indulging in unhealthy foods like this on a regular basis. By eliminating these worst offenders from your pantry and incorporating Andrews’ suggested alternatives, you can make significant strides towards a healthier diet. These swaps not only reduce your intake of excessive sugar and fat but also provide essential nutrients, making snack time a guilt-free and nourishing experience. So upgrade your pantry today for a healthier tomorrow!
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