Bodies by Design: Exercise or nutrition? Which is better?

The answer the question “should I focus on exercise or nutrition to meet my goals

If you are like most people, then the fad diets and trendy exercises that are splashed across social media, TV, newspapers, radio and magazine covers probably leave you more confused than ever about how to meet your fitness goals. It seems like every week there is a new “results guaranteed” technique for melting pounds or sculpting muscles.

That is probably why so many of our clients at Bodies by Design approach us with the age-old question: “Which should I focus on to quickly meet my goals — exercise or nutrition?”

This is a great question, and the answer to it may very well be the catalyst that transforms your physique in a way that you never thought possible.

Fred Sassani

But before I answer the question, let’s back up for a moment and clearly define the healthy eating habits and exercise fundamentals that successful fitness programs are made of.

There are three must-do’s for getting the best results nutritionally:

#1: Measure your Metrics: You must first know how much muscle, body fat and water is on your frame. At Bodies By Design, we use the InBody machine to identify the clients metrics and create a nutrition plan based on the resting metabolic rate. It’s very hard to create any nutrition program unless you know exactly how many calories your body requires to lose body fat and maintain muscle tissue.

#2: Eating a well-balanced diet. In practical terms this means including plenty of veggies, whole grains and lean meats in your daily meals. It also means staying within a reasonable number of total calories for the day.

#3: Avoid junk food. While this may seem obvious, your definition of “junk food” may need an alteration. Refined sugar is one of the biggest culprits in the junk food world. This includes soft drinks, blended coffee drinks, cookies, cakes, packaged snacks and other sinfully sweet treats. Processed fat is another monster. As a rule of thumb, you can safely view all processed or refined items as less healthy than their unprocessed counterparts.

There are three fundamentals for results-driven exercise:

#1. Safety first. I’m not just talking about the usual “consult with a physician before starting an exercise program”— though you always should. The key to successful exercise that avoids injury while promoting results begins with the proper use of equipment and correct body alignment. That’s where a experienced personal trainer comes in to play.

#2. Consistency counts. The truth is out — if you want amazing results then you have to exercise with amazing consistency. There is just no way around it. Make exercise a habitual part of your daily life and be prepared to feel healthier, more energetic and younger than ever.

#3. Challenge yourself. Your body is such an advanced organism that it quickly adapts to physical demands. This means that the exercise routine that you have been doing for the past six months no longer results in noticeable results. Use your body’s unique ability of adaptation to your advantage by constantly challenging yourself with new and exciting exercise routines.

Now back to your question … “Which should I focus on to quickly meet my goals — exercise or nutrition?”

The bottom line is that exercise and nutrition work together to produce the results that you are after. Results won’t come because of intense exercise coupled with a poor diet. And likewise, a healthy eater has no way to sculpt their body without the use of exercise. For the fastest most permanent results, eat a healthy diet and exercise consistently.

Fred Sassani is the founder of Bodies by Design in Pflugerville, a nationally certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist with over 20 years of experience. For more information about Bodies by Design, visit

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