Emotional Eating Vs. Mindful Eating: Finding A Healthy Balance With Food


Garima Johar

Updated:Feb 08, 2024

Food helps you to navigate emotions, but emotional eating can leave you feeling guilty and out of control. Thus, there’s a need to inculcate mindful eating into your daily lives. So, here’s how to find a healthy balance between bingeing and savouring food and enjoy it mindfully to give your bodies nothing but the best!

Emotional Eating Vs. Mindful Eating: Finding A Balance With Food

Image Credit: Pexels

But fear not; this is an invitation for you to explore a different approach: mindful eating. Mindful eating isn’t about deprivation or rigid restrictions; it’s about being present, aware, and non-judgmental about what you eat and why. So, are you ready to ditch binge eating and embark on this adventure together, with self-compassion, mindful awareness, and maybe a few healthy snacks along the way?

Unpacking Emotional Eating

Health Implications of Mindful Eating

There has been extensive research that proves mindfulness when applied to eating, can help you and your body tremendously. Here are a few examples how:

So, what should you do about your emotional eating habits? Step one is to learn about the healthy version – mindful eating.

Finding Balance: Bridging the Gap

That being said, in day-to-day life, when you’re not having your triggers around, you can try and make a conscious shift towards mindful eating. Initially, you might feel like it’s taking too long to finish a meal, but in the end, it’ll be worth it.

Cultivating Self-Compassion and Awareness

Now that you know how to find a balance between emotional and mindful eating, it’s also important that we’re not too hard on ourselves. Remember, it’s all about making progress, not attaining perfection.

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