Compared to farm-raised salmon, wild-caught salmon make up a smaller percentage of the seafood market. Both Atlantic salmon and Pacific salmon are consumed in the United States. However, Atlantic salmon sold today is farm-raised due to the dwindling number of Atlantic salmon in the wild, leading the species to become endangered. Of the Pacific salmon, there are several types on the market: cutthroat, chum, chinook, pink, sockeye, coho, and steelhead, with the wild chinook being prized the most for its size and fat content.
However, farm-raised salmon makes up ¾ of the salmon served in the United States, according to CBS. Even salmon that is labeled as wild-caught is sometimes misrepresented as such, with the fish actually being farm-raised Atlantic salmon. Oceana discovered that this was the case in 43% of the salmon it tested from restaurants and stores across several states. While the industry is making advancements to improve upon its farming techniques, farmed salmon is generally inferior nutrition-wise to its wild-caught brethren.
Additionally, some consumers have concerns about potential contaminants making their way into the fish. According to a study available through the National Library of Medicine, trace metals and other pollutants are unlikely to negatively affect the quality of your salmon.