Obesity, heart disease and family history of chronic kidney disease can also put you at risk. If you develop a urinary tract infection (UTI), do ensure that it is treated as it can cause kidney damage if not untreated.
Diet and lifestyle play a significant role in maintaining kidney health, optimal kidney function, and preventing kidney diseases. Making healthy food choices on a daily basis and regular exercise is a great way to prevent potential kidney health risks.
Another very important aspect is that of steering clear of associated chronic diseases. These include high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol levels and kidney stones, which are some of the major causes of chronic kidney disease and other kidney conditions.
Some of the most common diet and lifestyle tips to be considered are to limit sodium (salt), potassium and phosphorus intake and avoid consuming processed and packaged foods. Limit sugar intake and avoid consuming canned beverages, quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption and exercise and engage in regular physical activity. It is important to maintain a regular quality sleep schedule, avoid excessive consumption of over-the-counter medicines (NSAIDS & Antibiotics) and consume more kidney-friendly foods like pineapple, blueberries, cauliflower, egg whites, olive oil, and onions,” says Dr. Chetan Savaliya, Director, Satvam Nutrition.
If you have diabetes and high blood pressure, it is important to include tests to keep your kidney health in check which is best recommended by your doctor. Also do take your medication for the same to keep blood pressure and blood glucose levels under control. People with diabetes particularly need to keep a very close watch on their kidney function as chronic kidney disease is prevalent among them.
Obesity, heart disease and family history of chronic kidney disease can also put you at risk. If you develop a urinary tract infection (UTI), do ensure that it is treated as it can cause kidney damage if not untreated.
Maintaining a healthy weight is also a key in ensuring you have good kidney health. Do not forget to keep yourself hydrated by drinking water throughout the day. You must remember that if you do not drink enough water, it causes dehydration which reduces blood flow to the kidneys.
Some foods to avoid for kidney health are soda, frozen food that are heavily processed, processed meats, and mayonnaise that has high levels of saturated fats and is also very high in calories. Remember that conscious and mindful eating along with choosing healthier ways of living are the core fundamental steps towards maintaining optimal kidney health in the long run.