Eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to suffer

HONOLULU (KHON2) — It’s National Healthy Foods Day.

Healthy foods have gotten a bad rap over the years. Typically portrayed as tasteless and awkward, healthy foods tend to be the butt of jokes.

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But not all healthy foods are unappealing. So, to get some pointers on how to navigate the healthy foods landscape and find some of the tastiest healthy foods out there, reached out to local health food guru Adam Baronson.

You won’t find Baronson on the web. He caters solely to celebrity clients, but we were able to catch up with them and get a few pointers on how to lead a healthier food life.

“The first thing you have to remember is that fat is not necessarily a bad thing,” revealed Baronson.

According to Baronson, there are many good fats that will help you lose weight. Things like avocado and coconut oils can be used and substituted for other less healthy oils.

Diary fat is not necessarily bad. If you have an allergy to dairy then avoid it and use avocado oil as it has a nice, buttery flavors.

You can even deep fry with these two oils.

“The heat index for avocado oil is pretty high; it’s pretty high,” said Baronson. “Anything you are making from fried foods and salads to sweet baked treats, avocado oil does not break down or become toxic; and it has the fats that give you energy.”

Baronson said that fat is what gives us energy.

“Sure, caffeine is a great way of getting energy,” said Baronson. “But for long-term sustained energy without unnecessary hunger, you’ll want to get these fats into your diet. Sure, olive oil is good for you, but there are so many fake products on the market that you have to keep track of which ones are real. There’s also the low smoke point for olive oils; so, they are better used for things that don’t need to be cooked.”

Turns out that the smoke point for extra-virgin and olive and coconut oils are around 350 to 370 degrees Fahrenheit. This is compared to the smoke point for avocado oil which is at 520 degrees.

So, turns out that skipping the fat can actually contribute to weight gain. And those energy drinks you’re consuming? Those are a big reason lots of folks gain more weight.

“Energy drinks are like sugar stacked on top of sugar stacked on top of sugar,” explained Baronson. “They make you hungry. You need to drink more and more. They’re more of supplement if you really, really need to drink them, then be sure to have some good fat in your stomach so that your body can process the energy long-term.”

So, what is Baronson’s favorite meal?

“One of my favorite breakfast meals is a baked potato with a bit Hawaiian sea salt, whipped avocado oil and cottage cheese,” said Bronson. “It is delicious and gets all those good carbs, fats and oils into my body so I can do things like run Koko Head six times a week.”

There are some ways to watch your diet even if you aren’t cooking your own foods:

  • Reading some food labels. Learn where the food you eat every day comes from, what’s in it, and more.
  • Challenge yourself to try a food you’ve never eaten before.
  • Plant herbs to use in your kitchen.
  • Start a compost pile to use in your garden.
  • Discover a healthier way to cook your favorite foods.

Don’t forget about social media resources. Enjoy some of your favorite healthy foods and use #NationalFoodDay to post on social media.

Wow, lots of information that can help you lead a healthier food lifestyle that will not cut out the flavor or fun of food.

For an added bonus, this reporter is passing along an ono salad my grandmother used to make. Hope you enjoy it!

Ingredients you’ll need:

  • 2 ripe avocados, pitted, peeled, and thinly sliced.
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon.
  • 6–8 hearts of palm (from 1 can or jar), cut into thin rounds.
  • 1 cup frozen shelled edamame, thawed.
  • 2 tablespoons za’atar.
  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive (or avocado) oil.
  • 1 tablespoon rice vinegar.
  • 1 teaspoon pure raw honey.
  • Kosher or Himalayan salt and freshly ground pepper.
  • Grated zest of 1 lemon.

How to make the salad:

  • Step 1: Place the avocado slices in a single layer on a platter and drizzle the lemon juice over the slices. Scatter the hearts of palm over the avocados and top with the edamame. Sprinkle the za’atar over the salad.

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  • Step 2: In a small bowl, whisk together the oil, vinegar, and honey until blended. Season with salt and pepper. Spoon the dressing over the salad and garnish with the lemon zest. Serve right away.

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